Just as the Promise Land was filled with milk and honey, the Promise Creek is very plentiful with blue crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, and many varieties of fish. The Promise Creek, a nickname I gave it, is a very small creek that has a sandy bottom. Its location is The Barn House. It runs under a bridge that connects two local islands of Wadmalaw.
The Barn House's dock goes to the creek and we use it quite often, so seafood is a usual meal of the house. "It's time to go to the dock!" At the Barn House, it's always time to go catch something. When the water's warm enough and low enough, my dad, mom, brothers, and I go walking in the creek on its sandy bottom. With nets, we scoop up blue crabs and grab clams as easy as picking apples from a tree.
One of the best days I had in the creek was with just me and my dad. We caught 30 giant crabs and a bucketful of clams. That night we feasted on crab cakes, crab soup and clam chowder for a mission trip farewell party for our friends Dave and Jen Carter. Everybody devoured the food.
The cast net comes in handy when my dad and I are busy catching speedy groups of shrimp passing by the dock. The skiff is my favorite when it's a fishing day because of the boat's live bait box and built in cooler for storing snacks and drinks. Our kayaks are fun to go paddling on a hot day or to go fishing. The Promise Creek is awesome to me, and I hope it is to you as well!
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